A film about the northern regions of Norway, sponsored by the Norwegian Co-operative Union and Wholesale Society. The film crew visits all the cooperatives along the way, from the main warehouse in Tr...
Civic parade, probably in Lillehammer
The fishing vessel S.S. Langevaag leaves for the fishing grounds, where the nets are set and later hauled aboard again with a catch of 250 000 herring. This exhausting work is done entirely by hand. T...
A military parade in Oslo
Short animated film about a monkey drinking moonshine directly from the distilling apparatus.
Shows how margarine is made from coconut fat, milk, creem and butter in a Norwegian factory. The coconuts are first harvested and cleaned on a South Sea island before shipped to Oslo.
At The Panama Pacific International Exposition i San Francisco a Norwegian American meeting was arranged.
Scenes from Kongsberg and Lågendalen, farm work, log driving and folk dance.